CodeRally FAQ

Q: What is the maximum speed of a car?
A: There is no resticted maximum speed.

Q. How many clock ticks are there in a match?
A. There are 600 clock ticks in each match.

Q: Does the oil that sometimes appears on the track affect the car`s movement?
A: No.

Q: How does the throttle setting affect the cars speed?
A: The car's speed is increased by 5% of the throttle value each clock tick.

Q: Why doesn't the public track work? I only get an empty window where I should select the opponents.
A: The public track will only work when:

Q: How much fuel does the car use when the throttle is negative?
A: The same fuel is required as the equivalent positive throttle value. (i.e. the absolute value of the throttle is used)

Q: What is the rate of fuel consumption?
A: Fuel usage is directly proportionate to the throttle setting. The formula is "fuel used per clock tick = throttle / 400". Changing the steering will not affect fuel consumption.

Q: Where can I find the source code for the sample cars?
A: Source code for the sample cars is not provided.

Q: What happens if two cars in protected mode run into each other? Do their speeds change?
A: Both cars will stop, but they will not transfer their momentum to each other. Neither car will lose fuel.

Q: How can I find the number of checkpoints or the current number of opponent cars on the track?
A: You can use getCheckpoints().length to find the number of checkpoints, and getOpponents().length will return the number of opponent cars.

Q. Are points awarded for hitting dead cars with a spare tire?
A. Cars are never "dead". You are still awared points for hitting cars that are out of fuel.

Q: What is the rate of change of heading as a function of velocity and steering setting?
A: The formula is "change in heading per clock tick = steering * speed / 5". The getChangeInHeading() method returns this value.

Q. Can the CodeRally game be run outside of Eclipse?
A. Yes, please see the installation instructions for further information.