[11/03/2006] If you are not registered the course mailing list, please send me an email


[23/04/2006] Before the next lecture please read both testing presentations: 07_testing , JUnit (JUnit presentation is also available in video version online or offline)


[15/05/2006] I added a Swing lecture slides by Eran Werner to the course web site. The material in it will not be covered on class.


[22/05/2006] Time table for project presentation is posted here. You should prepare a 15 minutes presentation of your project (Power Point Presentation) and a short document (no more than 5 pages), that describes what you think is most important in your project architecture. On the presentation you should be able to demonstrate your regression testing and game functionality. Send me an email to set the time slot for your team. After your presentation each group member should be able to answer simple questions regarding her/his part of the project.


[11/06/2006] On Friday, 16/06/2006 on 10:00 we will have a Q&A meeting at Orenstein 103 towards the exam. We would solve together the rehearsal questions from the exam web page, and more. Special requests should be sent ahead to ohadbr@cs.tau.ac.il . Good Luck !